2015. június 9., kedd

Open up your heart!

I would like to ask you all, to open up your heart. Feel my presence, because I am there with you in every moment of your existence. Space and time can’t even stop me! I am there, with you waiting. I won’t be knocking behind closed doors, but I will be waiting for you in front of it. I am waiting and will constantly be sending you my love. But until you keep your heart closed to me, you won’t be able to feel this. I can wait, because my love for you is patient, tolerant and accommodating. Love won’t twist your arm, the nature of love is to open up paths before you. I open myself to you, the rest will be up to your discretion. Your free will is your ultimate, and universal right. The chance to rising, though, will depend on your giving in to love. To me. Jesus.

Wiki G.

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