2015. június 9., kedd

My Beloved Child,
You can have anything your heart desires. Even things you have never imagined, and the only thing you need to do is, overcome your physical boundaries. Evert time you feel the need to get your fix, whatever it may be, you must know that it is not you! Why would you let a faulty thought, or manipulation take down a pure soul, that is you? You let it drive you, instead of taking charge.
Remember, that you have power over your ego. You have power over your body, and you have power over matter. You have the infinite power of creation. Don’t run, and don’t try to escape from your own self. Stop running away from love, beauty and miracles. Don’t build walls around you, it is not necessary.
The past is gone, live for the Now! You can do it! You can overcome yourself, because the power of your soul is stronger than anything. I will be with you the whole time, don’t forget that! Close your eyes before your want to get that fix, and feel my love, feel that I am holding your hand. I will never leave you, so don’t do that to yourself, either.

Wiki G.

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