2015. június 9., kedd

“Learn how to keep your energies within yourself”
We have perfected spreading our energies all over the place. This might have happened when we were very young, and we were being showered with emotions with such prosperity, that we couldn’t or did not allow ourselves to fully experience and process them.
We are always busy, obsessively, talking all the time, trying to control others, and overly protecting and taking care of them.
Always blowing things out of proportion.
Our energies are our energies. Our emotions, thoughts, love, sexuality belong to us; and so do our mental, physical, spiritual, sexual, creative and emotional energies.
Setting healthy boundaries - parameters - for ourselves and our energies can be learned. Saving our own energies, and taking care of our own problems can also be learned.
If we want to escape from our bodies, if our energies leak for no good reason, we should ask ourselves: what is happening, what’s been bothering me, what am I trying to avoid, what am I to face, what should I focus on?
And then, we can return into, and to live once more, as ourselves.

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