2015. június 9., kedd

Have healing thoughts! If you feel resentment, or anger, ask God to help you feel it thoroughly, then release it. Ask God to bless those you are angry with.
Ask God, to bless you, as well!
If you are afraid, ask for the fear to be released. If you feel miserable, force yourself to be grateful. If you feel that you are being deprived of something, know, that there is enough for everyone.
If you are ashamed, comfort yourself that there is nothing wrong with you. If you doubt that you have made choices at the right time, and you are at the right place, tell yourself that all is well, and you are at exactly where you are supposed to be. And convince yourself, that others doubt, too, just like you.
If you catch yourself wondering about the future, tell yourself, that you will find a solution in time, and the problem will also give you something extra.
If you resist a thought, or feeling, practice acceptance. If you feel embarrassed, know that it will pass. If you feel desire, or need to have something, tell yourself that you will have it. If you are worried about people you care about, ask God to protect them, and watch over them. If you are worried about yourself, ask the same for you.
Think about others with love. Yourself, as well.
Then watch as your thoughts form your reality.

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