2015. június 9., kedd

Ten things I have learned from Angels

Only pay attention to things, that really interest you
The Angels told me this: “You must only devote your time to things that are at the utmost importance in relation to your dreams and intentions. Release those things, which you feel you need to leave behind. Then, those things will either heal and you will start to enjoy them, or they will easily be released, and you will be liberated from them for good.”
Only the “now” exists
“You are whole and complete now. You must not look at what tomorrow might bring – this would indicate that you are imperfect, or something is missing from you, and you will only become complete if something comes externally into your life in the future.”
Every conflict exists only in your mind
“Every conflict you see or experience in the physical world is nothing more, than the projection of the ego. In reality, the world is in perfect harmony, and you project your fear of peace to the world. You do not want to resolve your inner discord, but you really want to get rid of them. Therefore, you project it onto others, and you think that they cause your discomfort. Other people are like a neutral, blank canvas, and you paint them according to your descriptions and definitions. And then, you react to these descriptions and definitions as if they were real. In response to your reaction, people will act exactly as you have expected them to, thus you have just created a self-fulfilling prophecy.”
Clean up your diet
“Every food has its own vibration, and you must vibrate at the highest rate you are attuned to with your feelings and emotion. Your meals should contain fresh fruits, and vegetables, nuts, and whole grains, because these vibrate at the highest frequency. Avoid meat, and dairy products, alcohol, refined sugars, chocolate, and caffeine, because these have the lowest vibration. And remember, that the food you eat impacts you even way after you consumed them. “
When you give, expect nothing in return
“Do not ponder on what the result will be of you giving something to someone. It will have a result, no doubt – according to Universal Laws. This will, however, not be up to you; it is the principle of cause and effect. On top of this, if you expect something in return, it is like you gave nothing, in reality. Instead, you are keeping it in your mind, and you are only willing to give it up if you get something in exchange.”
Spend a little time alone in nature
“The voices and scents of nature are invisible, therefore they lead your mind into the invisible kingdom of soul, where everything vibrates at a higher frequency. Nature has healing properties. Besides that, there are nature-angels. You can ask these angels to heal you. When you are in nature, it is easier to feel and adapt to the natural rhythm of the Earth, and because timing and cycles are part of everything, you get in alignment with the rhythm of life better.”
Detach yourself from materialism
“When you are attached to matter in thought, then you are attached to the products of your egoistic mind, therefore you are attached to your ego. It is not possible to avoid this law. Materialistic mind is the egoistic mind.”
Judge not
“You judge others because you are protecting yourself. You want to keep other people away from you, and don’t want them to get close to you, because you do not want to get hurt. But, as we have said it before, you do not need to worry about your well-being. You are safe, but if you worry too much about your safety, it may manifest that which you are afraid of.”
You are at where your mind focuses
“When you have thoughts that are the opposite of love, or lack of love, such as competition, jealousy, or worry, you feel pain. You are your own consciousness, and you feel the effects of where your mind is focusing. You don’t want pain, so make a decision, and offer your unloving thoughts to the light.”
See the divine glory in everything
“Don’t be looking for your own glory. When you notice divine magnificence in something, you will also see that part of you, which is one with God. When you praise God, you are in a higher consciousness, and not in your ego driven state of mind.”

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