2015. június 9., kedd

Conversation with Jesus

Now, I feel that I am home…
(…smile) You’ve always been there. Along with separation, the power of feeling to be away from home came and took over you, and made it impossible to see that you are at home. It is not possible for you ever to not be at home. You can be at any part of the world, you may be in any dimension, and at any time, but you are always where you are supposed to be. You are where you have always been, and always will be loved.
Can you, please tell me more about this?
Everything is part of the Sacred Source. I know that it is difficult for you to understand infinity, but this is the most important part (smile)…That creative energy, the essence of love, which originated from the Sacred Source is being present everywhere, and is in constant movement. The easiest way to imagine it, is like, everything that surrounds you is part of an enormous stream – i.e. a river – and the beginning and the end of it is the same, the Sacred Source. And this stream encloses you constantly, never leaving you alone, for there is no Life, nor Existence without it. But for you to understand all this, you must uncover your own heart first. I know, the Blessed Heart, again (smile), but believe me, this is the most important key. If you can understand the power of your heart, you will understand everything. The Blessed Heart is a constant connection to the Source. Only the true Heart is able to feel the continuous evolution of the ever-present love.
The essence of love is everywhere. It is present even in bad things, or people which have been labeled evil by you. Darkness is also part of the light, and light (love) surrounds everything… and since we are talking about the Blessed Heart, there is the answer to your question. How could you be alone, when God is in your heart forever? You will always be home within yourself, and you will always be one with your source.
I hope this short excerpt will help you understand who you really are, and what this Wholeness, that you hear about all the time, means, and also that, whether you know it or not, we are part of a great “congregation of love”. Even though we have drifted away, and have forgotten who we really are, but now, we need to re-experience and remember what all this means…

Wiki G.

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