2015. június 15., hétfő

There are incredibly strong forces moving about that are changing our internal and also external perception of the world, which, I believe, have effected everybody on Earth. The prize of our awakening and the inevitable change, is a better quality of life. Many of us feel that our boundaries have been challenged and the end is near. Time and time again we hit rock bottom and assume that it can’t get any worse, only to realize that it just did.
We know, that humanity has reached a mile stone. The world as we know it cannot continue its existence in its current form. An incarnation period has ended. 
Everybody understands that we consist of the trinity of body – soul – and spirit. Our physical bodies were given to us for one life, or incarnation. Our souls, on the other hand were given to us for a whole incarnation cycle, which lasts for 25920 years. 
Our souls contain all our memories, experiences and feelings we have been collecting throughout our lives. Our souls remember even when our conscious minds can’t. That’s why we like or dislike some people almost instantly we meet them the first time. Souls recognize each-other. Furthermore, souls also have the ability to recognize negative emotions, such as being humiliated in a previous life, and they carry the weight of that feeling through lives. The vibration of this feeling has a huge effect on our current life, because if it is still active within us, than similar life-situations will be attracted to us over and over again, in which we keep feeling humiliation and shame. Therefore, it is important to understand, that we are not our physical bodies, nor our souls. We are the spirit, which is one with the Creator, who is free and never ceases to exist.
All our problems, and blocks were originated in our souls and physical bodies.
There are 3 sources of our blocks:
Family karma: We choose our families based on emotional heritage. We don’t just inherit physical conditions, or situations, but our vibration and mentality are being matched to those of our family’s, therefore creating the same circumstances in our lives that need to be resolved over and over again.
We also have the tendency to subconsciously take over liabilities that do not belong to us, just to make our parents’ lives easier. Our family tree usually carries the same pattern for most people within it (divorce, addiction, humiliation, poverty-consciousness, adultery, self-sacrifice)
We are being hindered by our old beliefs to progress in our current life, and we are being forced into similar situations, and feel that we are not moving forward. We keep being born into the same blood-line until we find a way to resolve issues that keep us there.
It is not uncommon to be reborn along with the same persons, repeating old karma. On the other hand, we can feel completely alien in our own family, if some members do not belong to our soul-family. 

Most of the time we are being confronted with our karmic lessons by our own parents. Once we grow up, and are out of parental guidance, and if there is still a lesson to be learned, this task will be taken over by our life-partners. You cannot feel completely happy and joyful until you fully understand and know why you chose your current physical family to reincarnate, and what the lessons were you needed to learn from those people. 
You must accept and forgive your mother to be able to activate your feminine energies for creation, for relationships and your maternal force.
Same is true with your father. You have to come to forgive and accept him in order to get a handle on your financials.
Personal Karma: Souls choose the main characters and events of their physical life before incarnation, based on previous experiences. What needs to be learned and from whom; with whom do they have unfinished business, and what are things that had been left undone in previous lives.
Collective Consciousness: Every information that has ever occurred has an effect on us. For example: you don’t catch the flu, but you know about that particular information (that the flue exists) which makes you believe that you have the flu. You vibrate at the same level as the flu, therefore you get it.
We have reached the end of an incarnation period. A collection of souls were given that time (25920 years) to gather all information and experiences they can possibly live through. Our current civilization cannot survive like this any longer. Things have been changing, and this change has been in the air for a while. People began going back to the roots of nature. Even our planet is beginning to get back to its original state. The purpose of the Universe is complete harmony and balance. Everything must get back to its initial state of being. Humanity will leave this planet exactly as it had found it, in peace and stability. That is why many people are living their last, and most difficult incarnation, because everyone must pay the piper, and all of our hindering blocks must be taken off and left behind. No unfinished business, nothing undone must be after us.
Life is fair to us all, and we must reap what we sow. The Universe is in perfect balance, you are responsible for everything that has been happening to you. That is why no one can change for you, but you, yourself!
Letting go of our karma does not mean that everything will be perfect tomorrow, but we will get a chance through life-situations to face the burden of our past, and process those to get over them. But we need to be willing to take part in those situations, and face our deepest fears. That is when instead of running away from them we understand and resolve them. There have been many chances in the past we could have done just that. 
Karma is resolved once it has been understood and accepted. This will yield to forgiveness and surrender. After we have all our questions answered we will take charge, and become masters of our own life. Then, there will be no more: “why” and we will cease to be a victim.
This can happen only, when you start trusting the Universe, and you finally understand that everything happens for YOU, based on plans that you had made for yourself, and take responsibility for your own life. When you accept your destiny, then you will be the chief of your own life. You have the chance NOW. Everything happens to you so that you can recognize your life-lessons. Be grateful for this.
2015 is the year of Balance, in other words the Year of Karma. All your unresolved karmic lessons will be present to you this year. I.e. if you still need learn patience, you will be given such lessons in which you must exercise being patient. This will repeat until you will be ready to accept your fate. Same applies to all your relationship issues. 
Time has come for balance and order. The world acts as your own personal mirror; it shows you everything you must improve and need to learn. If you haven’t started this work yet, I would like to encourage you to stop delaying, and get your life in your own hands, before it is too late. The bigger the imbalance, the more effort you will need to compensate; in other words the slap in your face gets bigger with time. 
Thank god there is still time left this year to take care of this. A lot of ups and downs can be expected this year. In 2012 the complete transformation of the quality of humans began. The laws of the Universe have changed. Duality has been subsiding, and we have been heading towards unity. Free will takes precedence more and more, and we have the ability to take off the load of our past, and rewrite our lives. Even though there is still chaos, and the process may seem very complicated, I still believe that it is a great privilege to humanity. We have never had greater experiences before. This may be unfamiliar, and strange and it may scare us, but the final destination will be wonderful. Peace and harmony will rule once again, where love is in charge.
We are still on our way down to the bottom, and in the middle of the collapse of the world. This is all needed so that we can rebuild the Universe. It all has to come down. It will take time, many-many years to be able to rid our souls of thousands of years of karma. Pure love will take over, pain, anger, and fear will diminish. I see that more and more people reach, or gets close to this state in their lives, every day, I know that everybody has their own pace, and will get to this state at different times. Some will lead the way, and help others on their path.
2017 will be the turning point for Humanity. Most of us will have paid all our dues, and will have been rid of our karmic past. Most people will break away from the collective-suffering and will take charge of their own lives. These people will understand the secret of their existence, and will wake up from their dream. Love will prevail, and take over. 
This can only happen once we are done with our past, have freed ourselves from blocks and karma. If it is done willingly, then it is less painful. All of the negative emotions, such as wrath, guilt, fear, pain, resentment, or worry need to be worked out. Until all these have been accepted and released, you cannot free yourself from them. As long as they are the part of you, you cannot look at them from a higher perspective, and cannot break free from the rat race you are in. Once you can see yourself from the outside, you will understand it, and this will be enough to let go of that karma. If you are able to comprehend what a situation may mean in your life, then it has fulfilled its purpose, therefore you won’t need it any longer, it will be released.
The Universe is your personal mirror. As above so below, and as below so above. Everything you find in other people exists in you, as well. Your personal karma will be resolved once you are able to love yourself unconditionally, and feel worthy. Self-love releases guilt. You are not identical with your physical body, or your thoughts, and definitely not identical with yesterday’s incidents.
It is the time of harmony and rebalancing. While we are working on resolving our karma from our past, we must ensure not to create new ones. We must always do what’s right, and should finish everything we start, including events and relationships.
The world is about to collapse. Your future on the other hand, is up to you. 
We should mainly focus on resolving our family related issues, because most of our karma is from our ancient family.
Take care of balancing the feminine/masculine energies, because if these energies from our mother and father are not equalized properly, may cause a disruption in harmony. That can lead to men being too feminine, or women too masculine, which will also affect our sexuality, relationships, and financial stability.
It is the year of resolving family karma. Every block that is being released in our soul, has an effect on our physical body. Many people suffer from skeletal diseases, because their roots are clarifying. This is in direct correlation with our physical family. Family is the frame of our lives. 
There is a straight connection between that and our relationships and sexuality; therefore, there might be symptoms in our body including abdominal pain, bacterial or viral infection, cysts, fibroids or tumors. These are only syndromes, and physical manifestations of our internal cleansing.
Many people may develop issues with their digestive system, as they are working through pain from the past, which had been buried for so long. Other symptoms may include gallbladder cramps, colon problems, digestive issues, constipation or diarrhea.
Everybody is affected by this cleansing process, which may take a few days, or weeks, accompanied by headache, or migraine, nausea, incoherent dreaming, nervousness, and unexplained panic attacks.
One must take care of the harmony of the physical body. We can consciously help our own cleansing by refraining from heavy foods that wear our body down, and we should be on the lookout for signals it sends to us. What would make my body lighter? If the physical body is a clean vessel, the cleansing is easier for the soul. As the soul affects our body, our body also affects our soul. Anything we feed our physical body will influence the wellbeing of our soul. That is why it is important to eat a lot of unprocessed, or raw food, drink filtered water, do physical activities, such as sports, and be outside on the fresh air as much as possible.
Lastly, I would like to touch on relationships. 
Many people tell me that they feel lonely, even though they are in a relationship, or even married. This is completely normal, as we are in the middle of resolving our own personal karma, and everyone is busy with fulfilling their own spiritual path. A hurt soul can only cause harm to another. We must love ourselves unconditionally in order to be able to have a relationship that is based on unconditional love. This is only possible once we let go of all the wrath, guilt, and anger that are nested within our soul. Finding our twin flame is not achievable without that. 
It is not even a question whether our soulmate is here on Earth with us, or not. Why do you think there are so many people living now on Earth? It is here, for sure. You two came together, for redemption is only possible in unity. The real question here is when you will be ready to find the love within yourself to be able to attract your twin flame to you? It can happen in 1 day, or in 45 years. The key to decide is in your hands. It takes a ton of conscious work, though. Many-many twin souls will find their counterparts within the next couple of years; love will take over and come into power, and its energy will help couples find one another. 
That does not automatically mean you will be one of these people. I had seen many people in the past years, who started loving themselves unconditionally find their true love, and making it possible for their partner to love them. 
Besides that, karmic relationships need to be resolved, balanced and released. In the midst of all that, you must be completely honest with yourself to become the master healer of your own self.
All in all, this time period will urge everybody for self-examination. Nobody can be told by anyone anymore what to expect in the future.
If and when you are able to free yourself from the burden of your past, understand why everything happened the way it did, pay your dues, realize your unlimited potentials, find your life purpose and take charge of it, you will be blessed beyond your wildest dreams, and will come to comprehend that everything you ever thought of and wanted can be yours in a blink of an eye, and welcome true happiness.

This coming autumn there will be a chance to take part in a karma-removal meditation in Sarasota, Florida. We have a very well working method that has been tested and perfected for many-many years in Europe which helps everybody who participates selfheal themselves. 

If you would like to know more about this, and our programs, or upcoming events, click this link:
Many people share their success stories with us. We get countless number of thank you letters stating that the Karma-Removing Meditation Program has changed their life for the better. You can browse through them here:

If you would like to do a test-ride, a free, pre-recorded meditation, which leads to giving you an insight of your previous lives can be found here (please enjoy responsibly):

Our contact information: 

I would like to wish you all a happy, peaceful and joyful year in the physical, as well, as in the spiritual realm 
Wiki G. from Hungary

2015. június 9., kedd

Past lives

When I was on the way to you, I knew that this cannot be continued anymore. I was fed up with my life, the failures and the success that did not provide calmness to me. It was enough from pain, and from the fact that I can not find myself. I kept myself away from everyone and everything and I couldn’t live this way anymore.

I promised Anita to give her a lift and when she sat into my car I felt that this will be a unique adventure. And I was right! It was so good to talk to her, like we’ve known each other for a very long time. When we arrived to Wiki, I felt like arriving home to my friends.

I took part in two days karma removal meditations, moreover I performed your ‘previous lives’ meditation program three times. Afterwards, things have changed around me. It was so strange what I’ve experienced even for the first time. I was somewhere in Asia and wearing Asian clothes and a typical hat. I had a large sword and heading for home. I arrived into a village (located perhaps in China) and a screaming woman was running towards me, because a man was hitting her. The woman hid behind me and I protected her. We started a conversation and it turned out that she was my wife in that life and she did not wait for me because she thought I dead. Her face was like the face of my current wife with a slight Chinese influence. I felt so terrific and I was very angry. We talked a little bit and I decided to bury my sword. I apologized that I left her and I told her that I am not the one she was waiting for. I told her, that I came from another life to seek the truth and reasons. She told me that she forgives me and she will wait for me.

When I’ve finished the meditation, I felt much better, however I had still a significant pain in my chest and around my heart. Next day, I started this meditation again to further seek the reasons and I just faced fear and sorrow again.

I found myself in the dark middle ages at a dark night. I was walking on a road, which was difficult to see in the dark and suddenly I noticed a mountain with a castle on it. There was a long, black stairway and I felt incredible fear and dread. As the steps started to run out, the fear has increased in me. I felt to be very unsafe, but I did not know what the reason was. When I arrived in the castle I looked into a mirror and I saw a young, but exhausted face with fear in his eyes. I had long, black hair, beard and I was wearing a black cloak and black knight armor. I went to the throne room and the king asked me about the war and I said we won. He complained that we lost a lot of people, thus I am not a good leader. I tried to defend myself without success. I just only felt that I wanted to go home to my family. When I looked at his face I saw my father’s face. I tried to convince him but finally he damned me since he heard that I am in love with the queen. I tried to defend myself because this was not true and I only loved my family, therefore I asked him to remove the ban. He finally started to believe me and said: “Go down your knees”. He put his hand onto my head and removed the ban. I could go home to my family and when I left the castle, I noticed sunshine and a beautiful meadow with flowers.

For the third time, I did the mediation after 1.5 weeks. This time I found myself at the end of the American Revolutionary War. I was walking towards home, a nice house where I can relax. When I looked into a muddy pool, I saw that I looked like a priest. I knocked on the door and my wife showed up. She told I should go back to ‘the deceased and wounded’ because those people were more important to me than my family. It was no sense to try to convince her about its opposite. I expressed my apology that I could not spend more time at home and I returned to the present with great sorrow in my heart.

After this experience, I thought about my whole life. I left my family two times, however not because of an other woman, but rather due to escape. I live separately from my wife and my daughter. I also thought about several people who left me, such as my partners, my friends, my family and a lot of other people. I realized that I need to face my past, my karma and the mistakes I did in my past lives. I cannot escape during my whole life…

Now, I feel that my life becomes better from day to day. I have friends again, I have plans for the future and I have dreams. Now I dare to dream and believe that these dreams will come true. I can thank all this to Wiki and her mother, Martha. Additionally, I thank all those people who helped me to find my way and find peace and love in my life. – Thank you so much!!!

Adam, 34

Love... but by any means?

Hi all! I’m 32 and met about 1.5 years ago a man (let’s call him Csaba) who I fell in love with. It was mutual, but he had a family. At a personal therapy I learnt that he is my partner for life, but I need to wait for him. I trusted and believed that we’re a real couple and I was patient, but the role as a mistress was unacceptable to my ego. I suffered. I was afraid of going to karma removals because I did not want to split up with him. Vicky sad to let him go, but I couldn’t do that. In the end this relationship was unsustainable for me and I decided to go for a karma meditation. That time I realized incredible things. I thought our relationship over and I realized that this is the only solution. That evening I gave him a ring and informed him about my decision. I realized that I wanted his love but not by any means. Love can’t be forced. I deserve more than this… I think that I deserve a man who really loves me and be with me every night, not only when he feels like… I learnt during the karma removal that I needn’t stick to anything because this doesn’t bring him closer to me. I left myself to the Angels. When I informed him that I am going to leave him, he became very angry – I noticed this on his voice. My heart was almost broken, but I managed to survive. A number of texts and calls came from him, but I didn’t answer any of them. About 2 weeks later in a text message he wrote: “I moved away and sued for a divorce, because I love only one lady on Earth and this one is you. I want to make you happy”.

As soon I let him go and didn’t want to keep him by any means, he started to panic. This caused motivation for him not to lose the woman who is in love with. We’re together for 3 months now and there is a perfect harmony between us. Now I know, it would have been better if I go earlier. But it’s never to late…

I am very grateful, many thanks, Eszti.

Marika's success story

Dear Martha and Wiki, I would like to share my story and wonderful feelings. I feel a deep, inner love in my heart. This is what I was waiting for! It filled my body with deep joy, while I shed tears and I could only say: Thank you, thank you…! When I received the first sign during the initiation meditation I learnt already that I have duties towards people, i.e. I need helping people. This meditation was so beautiful, especially when our Lord Jesus Christ has placed a present to my hands, which started to shine with a wonderful, bright light. Even prior to this, I already liked helping people. But now, it’s absolutely clear since the spiritual masters helped me to recognize my life task. Vicky, imagine, since I had this wonderful experience I met many people who need my help. They are telling me their problems. Now I know that I need to help them to find peace. The real peace what I also experienced when I dropped my ‘heavy pack’ from my shoulders that I had carried over so many years… I recognized and understood many things in my life and cleared away a number of obstacles. Now I know, I am me, a lovable, brave, powerful mother and wife, moreover a nice friend. A person who can be found in case of problems. Now, I am aware with my real personality, life, life task and I feel power in myself, which helps me to be on the right track. During the karma removals I found so many answers to my questions regarding my life… many thanks for that Martha and Vicky!

And now I try to share with everyone what was surprising and touching to me. The guy who criticized me, offended me and did things that cannot be tolerated anymore for more than a year (e.g. lost my job due to him) started to apologize. When this happened I wished him great success in his life and all the best. He was surprised very much and did not understand why I told these. I left him with a wonderful feeling and did not encounter anger in my heart. I thank this to the celestial beings, because I am sure that this was their relief.

I had the other wonderful experience in the relationship with my family members. Finally, we could sit together and talk so calmly. I always missed the patience and attention from the others, but it seems this has changed. Now I feel deep, inner love, which was absent during the years and my husband became very thoughtful not like before. For me this is very important and I wish everyone to experience this wonderful feeling and peace as I feel now.

Once again, thank you very much Wiki! God bless you and your family!

Marika, 59 years


In September 2011 I applied for karma removal for the first time. I thought that not only me but my entire family needs some changes. The first occasion was on 1st October but it’s unbelievable how many things have happened to me. One week before the meditation my twin soul ranged me. I had known him for 3 years but during the last 2 years there was no interaction between us. We wrote to each other then we met a couple of times. We don’t plan to live together but we need each other. My husband is very nice, thoughtful and loves our children. He organizes a number of common activities and he usually invites us for a lunch or dinner or comes with us to do sports. On 30th October I have been of the 2nd karma meditation. Since then the children are very open and they even hug me, talk to me and ask for advices even though they’re 19 and 21 already. Since the meditation, I think we have an even stronger emotional connection in our everyday life. I also experienced some minor changes in our financial situation. We both had some unexpected incomes, such as premiums, salary for overtimes. In November I have been on only one meditation till now. I am going to share my experience later. At present I leave myself drifting into this dream world, in which I am living right now. I just hope that the awakening won’t be painful.


Ghost house

Dear Wiki, I don’t know whether you remember me from the karma removal in September. I live in Germany, but I wanted to let you know that it was very good to visit you. Since then a lot of things have changed in my life. I can hardly wait to go again, but at present I cannot travel due to my job. My father speaks with me again after 5 years. It is surprising that he called me up when I returned home from you. At present he is with us. Finally I could let that man go who I thought to be my love for 3 years… This love was only on my part… I knew that he takes advantage of me, and he is only looking for me when he is bored or needs help. I decided to settle this case from my side. The day after I split up with him, he wanted to meet me. But I refused to. I was so proud of myself. It’s funny that since then he doesn’t get off my back… This is a so good feeling on the one hand, but there is vast anger in me because of the last three years on the other hand. Perhaps it had to be this way… Or maybe my mental obstacles made me inaccessible. And now my obstacles have been cleared away and the light went green? I don’t know, but I am happy. Now I see this is what men need. He was living in a bad marriage but he now decided to leave his wife. Vicky, can this karma removal influence this Platonic love? I know that he is my real partner but he needs time still. I ask because his business has greatly progressed when I was on the meditation. Long ago he used to come to borrow some money and now he wants to take me for a dinner nearly every evening and he buys a lot of presents for me. He tells that he doesn’t know why his business gets along now… My incomes are increasing for me too. I learnt a lot and I can only thank you Vicky!

I have a 17 year-old son and I got to know that he tends to take drugs on a daily basis… We tried everything but nothing helped. This was my great sorrow, maybe you remember. Imagine, when I returned home 5 days later after the karma removal, he told me that he is in love with a girl and he never wants to take drugs again. This was 1.5 months ago and I am so happy!!! Nothing helped so far, but I spent all my money on him. This is really unbelievable, thank you so much!!!

I wanted to share a story as well. Since my father is here with us, we went to the mountains for 3 days. We booked a house (me, my father, the children, a friend of mine and husband). We organized a small Halloween party with fancy dresses, masks and cocktails. Everybody enjoyed it, however this was only a small coming together. At midnight I went out to get some fresh air. In the mountains it was already snowing. I was just standing outside with a glass in my hands and suddenly someone behind my back asked me: “What are you waiting for? ”. I got frightened like hell, because it sounded like a child’s voice. I knew that my friend’s daughter is sleeping long ago already. I haven’t seen anyone… The house was a very old one, it was not really like a castle, but it almost looked like that. What also important is that I only drank alcohol free drinks. I felt terrible tension on me. I returned the house immediately. I couldn’t disregard this experience. A bit later there was a power cut in the house. So we lighted some candles. I thought that this is now even worse on Halloweens night. The toilet was at the end of the corridor and as I was walking towards it I saw a young girl. The girl was standing in front of the door and it seemed that she is illuminating… it was horrible, like in horror movies. It was very dreadful, and I even felt and heard my heart beats. I couldn’t even move. The girl – approx. 5-6 years old – lifted her head and she looked at me with her illuminating green eyes. I started to scream as much as I could. The husband of my friend ran to me immediately to check what’s going on. When he arrived, the girl disappeared. I told the others what I saw, but I think they thought I went crazy. After this, I didn’t dare to sleep. When we went to bed, the electricity came back, so I was sitting in the light while the others were sleeping. Next morning the husband of my friend told that he had a dream of a young girl who had a long, blond hair (exactly what I saw) and she told that her grandfather killed her in 1652. I was terrified. The husband of my friend is a very rational person, but he said that he is about to realize that there could be another world behind ours. So we packed our things and left the house as soon as possible. I hope she didn’t come with us…

Wiki, thanks again for everything. We see each other soon… bye! Heli

Changes in my world

Hi Wiki! I’d like to share my experience with you. In March I’ve been for the first time at your consultation and after that it was like having wings. The reason for the consultation was my disease. I wanted to know my chances. I was so happy when the Angels sent word through you that I am going to be recovered. It turned out that I am possessed, a dead spirit has stuck to me and it keeps me ill. I had severe problems for the last 6 years. I didn’t dare to have dreams at night and I focused on surviving the days… I was worried about my children and my husband has died young. My life during the last couple of years was about going to medical therapies, living from allowance and praying to be able to raise my children. At this first meeting I was recharged and I was given a ‘shield’, which provided really strong protection. This protection was necessary to resist curses and spiritual attacks. It was obvious that I had more energy than before and I was not tired so easily. Then a few days later I felt worse again. So I visited you again and I was told to let go my sorrow and all my problems in my life. I started the intensive therapy twice a week. In meditations I’ve joined my higher self and inner child. It was like renovating myself with parts that left me in the past. I realized that I haven’t respected myself. I have seen that I have a divine self, which is perfect. I learnt that I can achieve all my goals with the help of my divine self. I started to understand who I am in fact. Next time we were about to investigate the reason for my illnesses. In meditation first I found myself in my childhood. When I was 4 one of my male relatives molested me sexually. I didn’t dare to speak about this since then. This contributed to my problems. Next time I found myself in the ancient Rome where I killed a man who is my father in my present life. In that life he was my brother and I killed him not on purpose. I had to forgive this to me. It was not easy, but crying helped. Third time I was only a foetus in a past life. My mother kept her pregnancy as secret. When it turned out that she is pregnant her father gave her a beating. I experienced this as a huge sorrow. I knew that everyone hates me and I didn’t want to be born. My birth was very problematic. I didn’t want to come out of the abdomen of my mother. Mostly these led to my illnesses in my current life. And these were the reasons why my energetic system was so weak and I was possessed. As I managed to understand why these occurred I felt myself in a better physical condition. Mentally sometimes I was very weak and often cried for days but afterwards I felt to be cleaner and better. I knew that I am in the right track to be recovered. A month later I decided not to go to medical treatments anymore. I realized that only I can cure myself. The real breakthrough was in August when I’ve been on a karma removal meditation. Vicky told me that I can set myself free from the difficulties, problems and major negative effects from my past lives that can have influence on my present life. During the karma removal I could forgive and take leave of my husband who has already died. I couldn’t do this earlier. I got to know that we were connected with a black art power. This is why no one else was in my life. I had headache for a week and cried a lot… This was due to the purification. I felt that some great things are around me in the air… After the second karma removal things have started. During the meditation we were cleansing the childhood, which was full of pain. I realized that I always wanted to live up to my parents’ expectations, but I was never accepted well. I experienced that the karma removal really influences the entire family not only the person who is participating the meditation. My father who never loved me with true love and grieved me started to apologize. He even started to cry. My father! So I could forgive him as well… My children started to bring better marks from school. My brother bought me a present what never happened before. I didn’t know what is going on around me. The karma removal works much better than expected! :) At the parents’ meeting at the school of my younger son I met a friendly woman and we shared our phone numbers. I felt that finally I managed to find a true friend. She is the only one who knows about my life and the happenings. I became open! It was great that someone treats me as friend and this is as fantastic feeling. When she got to know what situation I am in, she offered a job at her shop. I am so happy because no one wanted to hire me in such a condition. My salary is also more that I even expected. No doubt, Ildikó is my guardian Angel. Finally, my life got purpose. I wanted to work very well to show my gratitude for Ildikó, and luckily the income of the shop has increased since I work there. Otherwise this is the best workplace for me because I enjoy dealing with herbs and crystals. Thus, I also realized my life task. I am more and more confident on a daily basis. I feel more powerful. And two weeks ago I was invited to a rendezvous by one of our regular customer. It is a wonderful feeling that someone shows interest in me. The best that happened to me is the following. Last week I’ve been to a CT examination and it seems that my disease is regressing. I am waiting for this for 6 years now! 6 years! I cannot tell you what I felt when the doctor said this fantastic news. I was sobbing. The doctor asked me what happened to me because my condition became much better. I told the truth that I am using the power of nature! :) I take the necessary vitamins, minerals, curing my immune system, working on dissolving those mental problems that caused this disease but I do not take medical therapies for some time now. He told that I am very irresponsible, but not to stop what I do! :) This is the best thing that happened to me so far! Vicky, I am so grateful to you! If you do not help me my life would be still that sinking swamp… I thank you for all your help! I am always very motivated to go to karma removals and looking forward to the coming positive changes excitedly. There are a number of other things I would like to change in the future. But I am also learning patience. :)

Vera, 40 years

Wonders are real!

Dear Wiki!

I would like to share my beautiful experience with all of you! Before my second karma removal meditation major changes occurred in my life. I start my story from the beginning. I had a big dream as a child. I wanted to have an affectionate relationship with my aunt and to hug her and to tell her ‘I love you’. This never happened in fact because we always refused each other somehow. Then I made a big mistake, since I supported someone else in a family argument about 5 years ago and this led to estrangement between us. Then I thought that this is the best time to show her, how much I wanted to love her also in my childhood. I wanted to be accepted and to have a good relationship with her. A few years have passed away but I did not hear about her anymore. I started to go and see Vicky regularly for karma removals and I was sure that something is going to happen. I started to think about my aunt again and reevaluated our relationship and our common past. Bad things were coming up from the past and I managed to forgive me. In the morning before the 2nd karma removal I received a message from her. She wanted to see me in the afternoon. Our meeting was like a real wonder and we were just standing there hugging each other for long minutes and I finally could tell her how much I love her. I believe that this can be thanked to the karma removals that have changed all old negative energy in my relationships.

Thank you Vicky and all other people who listened to me and tried to help. This is only one of the wonders happened since the mediations. I am very happy!

Greetings, Erica

Our destiny knows what’s the best for us

I would like to share my experience because I realized very important things that can be useful for others perhaps. I saw Vicky about 1.5 years ago for the first time. She was recommended by a friend of mine. I didn’t go for a therapy, I wanted to know things about my future. I heard many interesting things, it was unbelievable. That time I’ve been living with my boyfriend for 5 years. Vicky said that we have nothing to do with each other, we are not a real couple. I felt this somehow, but I wanted a confirmation. I decided definitively to split up and live my life. It was very interesting that I received such a power from Vicky, which I was able to use immediately. Before this I was preparing for 2 years to brake off our relations. I had remorse and I was a high-flier according to my parents. I didn’t feel well so I decided to go back to Vicky. She helped me to understand the happenings and we did a twin-soul attraction meditation. 3 days later I was on a birthday party in Balatonakarattya. A house was rented for the event and approx. 40 participants were invited. We were grilling and drinking wine. Just before midnight a friend, Gabor gave us a call that he is just on the way to our party because he was on a wedding party. He drank too much and one of his friends takes him to our party by car. I felt a strange excitement, but didn’t know why. When they arrived and I saw his friend I had a powerful heartbeat and I felt extremely embarrassed. We had to help Gabor to walk inside the house because he was really drunk. Then I said thank you to his friend for his help. He told me that he has to go back to the wedding party because his best friend is the fiancé. I saw him out and gave him a drink. He left and I just sat down onto the grass. I started to think what happened to me. About 10 minutes later the car came back. The boy told that he forgot to give Gabor’s documents back but now he doesn’t find them. We were looking for them for a long time and finally found the docs just beside the seat. Meanwhile we were talking a lot about different things. I had a feeling like we know each other for a very long time. When he looked to my eyes, I felt real calmness. Just like if we were a couple and had a relation. I never felt similar before. We were just talking and talking… soon it started to dawn. It was very difficult to stop our conversation. When he left he didn’t ask for my email or my phone number but I felt that we belong together. I didn’t know anything from him, not even his name. Days were passing by and I couldn’t forget that night. A week later I had a phone call from Gabor that he would like to go to the cinema and I could go with him. Since I was free that night I said ‘yes’. His friend was also there, however he was not with Gabor. It was only a coincidence and he was sitting behind us. During the whole movie I felt his energy and I don’t remember anything from that movie. When the movie was over Gabor received a call from his mother that she needs his help. Thus, his friend offered to take me home. We were talking long again until 4 am. His name is Attila and 4 years younger than me. He said that he thinks of me since we first met. I learnt that he is an architect. And he is enthusiastic about Greece just like me. We like the same things in everything. I fell in love with him. The coming 6 weeks were wonderful. When we were not together we sent texts and e-mails. All of a sudden he disappeared. I was suffering for 3 months. Days and nights were horrible. I couldn’t let him go. I felt that I go mad. This year in February I had a class reunion. It was organized by me and my friend Ildi. We needed to have the phone numbers of all our past classmates. When my handy was short on power, I asked for Ildi’s phone. I was shocked when I saw that a picture of Attila is the background of her handy. She said that Attila is her boyfriend and she would like to introduce him to me. It was awful, but I didn’t tell anything. 2 weeks later I went back to Vicky. She told me not to worry, because interesting things will come up. We went back to past lives and checked my previous relationships to Ildi and Attila. In a past life Attila was my husband and had a lot of children. We were very happy, but Ildi wanted to take us apart and get Attila. I had a great argument with Ildi because of this. Vicky told me to calm down and trust that Attila is my real partner and he will come back to me. This was suspicious to me because I am not a person who wants to get someone’s partner. After experiencing the past life I had a thought that I could give this back to Ildi. I was thinking long about this but I couldn’t get the right answer by myself about what to do. Months have passed and I couldn’t disregard the happenings. In August I attended the first relationship karma meditation. It helped. I finally managed to let the entire story go. Next day I met Attila. He was very embarrassed and told that we must meet because he wants to tell me something important. I refused, but he stepped closed and kissed me. I couldn’t resist. This was a very paradoxical situation, which was both the happiest and unhappiest 2 minutes of my life… I told him not to seek me anymore because I know everything. He didn’t ask anything just left sadly. Two days later I met my previous boyfriend. He admitted that while we lived together once he and Ildi went to bed. Ildi blackmailed him not to talk about this to me. Ildi wanted to get him but he resisted. My remorse has passed away because I realized that we continue our previous life that I’ve seen before. I didn’t feel any pain and I knew that it has to be this way. The karma removal had a very good influence on this, things started to go to the right direction. Attila called me up. We discussed everything. I think the curse has broken up. As soon as the obstacles disappear on a personal scale everything goes well. When sy doesn’t want to control her life on purpose the universe can work for her. I entrusted myself to my destiny. And my destiny knew what’s the best for me. Vicky, I am very grateful to you. I feel really happy now for the first time in my life. And I know that this will last until the end of my life. Now we live together and we exiled the persons who don’t help our lives.

Thank you so much!

Noémi, 29 years

Karmic-Healing therapy/meditation

I am certain, that everybody in the world feels that something has changed here, on Earth. Rather, everything is in a constant transformation. Every moment is filled with a possibility. The possibility to change and progress. This transformation will never end. The only thing you can change about it is your own perception to these changes, and the way you transform your life by it.

It feels, as though, time accelerated, and flies by rather quickly. Human relationships are in ruins, there has never so many people diagnosed with depression and panic disorder.

Material uncertainty cripples the human soul. I still believe, that it is a privilege to exist, and be experiencing life now, because life has never offered us a greater chance to exercise free will and rewrite the screenplay of our life.

Karma is based on the law of action and reaction. In other words, nothing happens by chance, everything is orchestrated and carried out by a well laid plan. There is always a reason behind a meeting, an event or an experience. This reason might be a thought, or an action that took place yesterday, but it can also be brought forward from infancy or even previous lives.

There might also be family patterns acquired from our parents (which, most of the time, we do not even realize we have) that keep us hostage. To be more precise, in our families we have tendencies which keep repeating themselves, such as poverty, divorce, specific illnesses, and recurring events.

I truly believe, that it is very important to clear these patterns from our lives, because we keep playing the same record over and over again, as if we were stuck in a running wheel and cannot get out. Emotional blocks are caused by these patterns. Block removal meditations help get rid of these patterns, so that we are be able to discover and understand our own boundaries, thereby liberating our body, spirit, and soul.

Up until now, our lives have been a balancing act. If we had something to be happy about, another part of our life fell apart. If we had love, then we had monetary difficulties. On the other hand, if we had plenty of money, then we fell sick, or our relationships suffered. In such a duality, that is how the world stayed balanced. If something good happened, we almost expected something to be miserable about.

The good news is that this has all changed. Burdens, and emotional blocks that have been carried around for centuries can be dropped. That is why I feel, that it is a privilege to be living and existing today. We are able to experience firsthand what it feels like to live in harmony and have balance in all aspects of our life.
We only need to let go of the loads of our past that are holding us back. This can all be done by virtually going back, and discover them one after another. Even in one day 20 years’ worth of karma can be released and dropped, that is why we feel time rushing by 20 times faster, than a few years ago.

Karmic removal does not mean erasing it, it simply means the rearrangement of the energies. It is a special method of relaxation, during which the individuals are being faced with their past, the burdens of their soul, thus promote healing, During these session we also receive teachings. This plays a very important role, because only those karmic patterns can be released which have been thoroughly understood. If this does not happen, than the whole learning process would have absolutely been in vain. In every problem we have a chance to get closer to our true self, our source. All these lessons are to be learned, and understood. Understanding is what brings liberation and absolution.

There are 3 aspects of our life where we receive the most lessons.

Firstly, Relationships.
This definitely plays a major role in our progress. The most and fastest growth can be achieved here, because a mirror is placed before us constantly by our partner to help us. This shows the areas still in progress and those that need improvement. For this purpose, we have created a very specific guided meditation dealing with relationship issues.
This meditation helps us realize and face our darkest side to understand why we keep repeating the same patterns year after year, bringing similar events and people into our lives, and why we are being faced with the same problems over and over again.

We learn to forgive ourselves and others, and let go of the past. Karmic oaths, vows and obligations vanish that chain us to our past. We remove bonds and addictions which won’t let us move forward.

Secondly, Health.
Physical symptoms always raise awareness and warn us that we have lost our ways. The reason can be found, if we search our soul. If the energy source of a problem has been eliminated, then this will cause the physical symptom to also dissipate. These meditation sessions help us better understand our lives and find ourselves. We get closer to understand who we really are, where we came from, where we are headed, and what the purpose of our existence is.

Thirdly, Wealth, Career and Life Purpose.
It is important to know that if you live in harmony, and you are fulfilling your life purpose, then life will also be abundant, and you won’t be lacking wealth. Many of us feel that we are not on the right track, though. We do not like our occupation, and feel that we can be and do so much better. On the other hand, these feelings are being kept submerged, because of fear. Acceptance and submission will take precedence. During the meditation specifically targeted to release these fears, blocks that keep us from our life purpose, abundance in every aspect of our lives, and to fulfill our true calling will be removed, and released. We free ourselves from the fear, guilt and negative feelings that had built walls around us to keep us from claiming what’s rightfully ours and manifest anything we desire.

Releasing the blocks does not happen during meditation, the process is only initiated there. Everything happens at its own pace. The work is being done with the help of spiritual helpers, archangels, and enlightened masters. This release process may last for weeks, or even months. It will then continue in dreams and visions. We keep receiving these lessons until we realize, and understand their purpose.

According to our experience, these meditations do not only help the intended area, but many times they effect all aspects of our lives. We had seen people come for a relationship meditation, but their life purpose got activated. This was obviously needed in their case, before they could attract the right partner. But we have also seen the exact opposite, as well.

Karma removal meditations initiate energy exchanges. They are a kind of help to our lives. Things fall into place, but many times these changes are experienced as chaotic. We need to practice patience until everything makes sense. Because these lessons need to be learned, and cannot just be erased from our lives. The meditation helps progress growth. Once most of the lessons have been realized and understood the screenplay of our lives can be rewritten.

Many people have experienced that once they had decided to participate in one of the karma removal meditations, the process of purification of the given area started immediately even before the session. It also continued afterwards. Cleansing may be experienced in the body, in the form of a headache, aches and pains in the limbs, nausea, or fatigue. Some experience an abundance of physical health and energy. This all depends on the individual. Just as emotional scars appear as physical symptoms, the healing also appears in physical form. A lot of sleep, plenty lot of water and taking it easy help advance healing.

Progress after the meditations is vary, and depends on the individual. Some people have their issues resolved within just a few days, for some it may take months, and a whole lot of work to achieve desired changes. Transformation will start inside ourselves. Progress depends on the type of block and how deep its source is. The root of some of the problems could be very diverse. This only means that different meditations targeting different areas may be necessary to achieve our goals.
Since every meditation session is different, aiming at various anticipated results, anybody can participate anytime they wish. It is up to everybody’s discretion as to how many sessions they need or want to attend. Continuous effort is needed at everybody’s own pace to stay in harmony and peace.

The good news is that with our purification progress our direct family members, such as our parents, children, siblings and spouse are getting similar benefits, as well. Even if we do not know who our significant other might be, it still works, since we are energetically connected to them. There is always one family member who resists change, even though all we want is to help them. We cannot interfere with anybody’s free will, but if we change and grow, in time, this will have a positive impact on our loved ones, too. Growth in our close environment is inevitable. There is this lady, who keeps coming back to our sessions only because she sees the tremendous change and growth in her husband and children.

One thing is for sure. Our physical plane is changing. There are two paths before everyone. I can only hope, that everybody will choose transformation. Things do not change by themselves, you have to make that decision.

I wish all of you a marvelous life!

Wiki G.
Hello! My name is Tomi, and my first meditation therapy took place about six months ago. My spouse and I have been trying to conceive for 9 years unsuccessfully, and that was the reason we wanted to see Wiki.

We had tried everything, so to speak, had 6 in vitro procedures, took all kinds of medications, and consulted many specialists, to no avail. We were just about to give up, as we were getting old. We were both infertile, it was in writing. We were told that we were never going to have children. That was when we read about Viki, and we figured that we had nothing to lose.

We wanted to have kids, and Viki told us that we would not only have one, but two. This was hard to believe, as we weren’t exactly young, and we felt that we were running out of time.

Initially, we participated in two sessions separately, and started taking vitamins, as Viki suggested it. During the second time we looked into past lives to see whether the source of our problems came from any of those. This is what I saw: I was sitting on top of a hill and cried my heart out, because I just realized that my child had fallen off the edge. Grief stricken, I decided then and there that I never again would want to have children, as I never again wanted to experience such pain.

My wife had seen herself in a previous life in which our son was kidnapped, and we were waiting for him to come back our whole life. Then she saw another life where she had been a prostitute in Paris, working pregnant, and she had finally killed herself. These were such blocks that needed to be removed. Also, our relationship required some mending, and the energies between the two of us had to be repaired.

We had many lives together, we had hurt each-other a lot. We have always had this friction between us, and my wife was always afraid of me, although I had never hurt her (at least not in this life time).

Our first Relationship Meditation session was so successful, that right after that we had a huge fight, and I moved out of the house. We had not been speaking for two whole weeks, then finally when we sat down and talked over what had happened, the tension between us died.

Our relationship now is very harmonious. We had started a Karma-removal meditation session, and our marriage has been improving ever since.

Thanks to our dedicated work, we had just found out after three months, that we were pregnant. I cannot even tell you how happy we are. This is absolutely incredible. We are four months far, and we are expecting twins. When I found out, I remembered that Viki had told us that we would have two kids. Of course we never would have thought that this is how we were going to have two. We are both very excited, and we have never been happier. Not only because of the arrival of the little babies, but our relationship has improved, somehow it transformed into so much better.

Not sure if this has given me so much strength, or the meditation therapy, but I have been making many times as more money during the past three months, then before. I have become much more fearless, and taking more risks in life.

Even though I have no idea what is happening during these sessions, I am damn sure they work.

We are eternally grateful to you, Wiki.

Never stop doing what you are doing, because people need your wisdom, and help.

Tomi (45) and Valeria

My Success Story

Hello, my name is Gabi, I am 38 years old.

I had been living in an awful marriage for a long time. We had two beautiful children, and I was afraid that I would not be able to support myself and my kids on my own, so I stayed in this marriage. Also, deep inside I was terrified that I would not be able to manage by myself, so I got stuck in a terrible living situation.
I had no self-confidence, as this was not a trade that ran in our family. My mother had given me wonderful pieces of advice, such as why would I want to change anything, and I should be happy that I had a roof over my head, shouldn’t get a divorce, because all men were the same, and the kids needed their dad, I should not want to be successful, because then I would be too stuck up to care for my family. Success was not something that ran in my family, either. The common misconception was that the woman should shut her mouth, and do as her husband says so. I have obliged, and accepted this, but I was suffering deep inside. I knew that I was so much more than that, but I was afraid. I was scared of even more suffering, failure and pain. I fell into despair and a deep depression. I was prescribed sedatives, and I was even considering suicide. The drugs made me much worse.

I was in that state, when I found, and read about Viki, and eventually looked her up. Initially we started removing family blocks, because my subservient behavior had been inherited and taken from my mother, which needed to be released.
My second quest was to get rid of my prescription addiction, as they were clouding my judgment. I began taking herbal substitutes for their soothing properties. My body began detoxifying itself shortly after.

During regression therapy, I was able to go back to previous lives, and I saw myself as a slave in many lifetimes. In one of the lives I was even sold as a prostitute. This was not easy to witness, but once I understood why those feelings had been inside me, I also felt relief.
In my most recent life I was living in Germany during WW2, and I died alone. I never had kids. This might have been a reason why I was so reluctant to let my current family fall apart.

We also worked on getting my confidence back, only to realize many other things along the way. I found out, for example, that my child-identity was pretty messed up. I was petrified of my father when I was a kid, and these feelings needed to be healed. I was a lonely child. Viki gave me some homework regarding these, and was working on them diligently. I realized why this problem was so important to work out, and why relationship and abundance issues had to come after. First, I needed to get my self-esteem back before I could do anything else.
It took me about six months to finally get to a stage where I wanted to make someone out of myself, make money on my own, have a career, and find love.

I had been going to therapy for 8 months, and I was getting better, but I still needed something to make me want to get up and leave my husband. I got what I wanted, pretty soon. I figured, that it was going to be a new job. It was not a new job. I found out, that my husband had had a mistress, and a 2-year old child from the affair. This was the last drop. If that had happened six months earlier, I would have had a break-down. I did not even blink. I got my stuff and my two kids, and temporarily moved to my girlfriend’s. The very next day I started to look for a rental. I had just been to an abundance meditation therapy the week before, and I figured that if that was to work, then my life would get back on track in no time. I noticed myself having faith, and in that situation that was the most helpful thing. I was able to find an apartment with the first phone call. There was no security deposit required, and my girlfriend lent me enough money to pay for the first month’s rent.

I had no idea how I was going to make ends meet, but I did not even care. I knew that the angels would help me find a way; I no longer had blocks to stop me, everything would happen the way I wanted it. All of my fears disappeared.

The next day I went for my usual therapy, and we worked on getting a job. On my way home, I was absolutely sure that I was going to get a job soon.

The next day I was meeting the landlord to discuss some minor issues. During my visit, he received a phone call from a friend of his, who was looking for a caregiver to his mother part time, 4-6 hours a day. I have a nursing degree, and I took that as a sign. I, of course, got the job. Not a lot of money, but it was enough to pay the rent and food, and it only took a few hours of my day.

I felt that my life was getting back in order. I was very happy. About a month and a half later, the old lady’s daughter came to visit, and we started talking. As it turned out, she was the owner of a well-known event and wedding planning company. As we dove deeper into our conversation, I had more and more great ideas regarding planning a wedding, which I also shared with her. She appreciated that very much, and told me that I should be doing this for a living, because I was very creative.

Then, I finally realized why Viki had told me that I was going to be working in the beauty business. Then, I had felt that I had no talent for that. I was not even considering this kind of work.

Anyhow, the bottom line is that I was offered a job at the company, which I gladly accepted. The work is a lot more than before, but my salary is also way better. I have finally found myself.

I simply felt that I no longer have any blocks in me. Everything was like a fairy tale.

I have been working on my own for 5 months now. I have found my true calling, I am making a lot of money, and I know that I will have my own business soon. This has been a dream come true. I could not be happier. I have finally become independent, I am full of energy, I have found my place in the world where I belong, and I do not need a man to make me feel secure. Now I am ready and open for a relationship.

I recently went for another karma-releasing meditation therapy, and I feel that finding the love of my life is just around the corner.

I will eternally be thankful to you Wiki, the Angles and all the helping Beings around us


What has been blocking me from wealth?

I had gone for a karma-removal healing therapy for wealth and abundance, because, along with many other things, this was my main concern.

I was a little surprised to find out that I only had a few issues, but those were huge, because I had never been able to make enough money. My husband was always the real money earner in the family, even though I had a superior formal education.

My first regression journey took me back to the womb, where I found my first block. It was very interesting. I was an unplanned child, and my parents had to keep the pregnancy a secret, as they were too young. I felt that my mom was constantly nervous and worried, because she couldn’t even support herself, not to mention a baby.

I had a sense of guilt even as a fetus, because I knew that having a baby would cost a lot of money for my parents. And now, I have been having those same feelings with my husband. This guilt was the first to be released. This also helped me realize many other issues I had, such as why I deny everything from myself, and feel undeserving and unworthy.

During my second regression I saw myself in one of my past lives. I was a man in that lifetime, we were living on a farm, and had three kids. We had many animals, a large lake, fruit trees and crops as far as the eye could see.
Then, I saw a scene. The sun was about to set, we were inside, getting ready for dinner and in the middle of saying grace. We seemed very happy. I saw the smaller ones, two boys, possibly twins fight from time to time, but they seemed to love each-other very much.

The next day my wife had to travel. She was visiting with some relatives, and the kids and I stayed home. We had breakfast, then headed out to the lake to fish. The kids were chasing butterflies, we also had a puppy with us that helped me watch the kids.

Then, a carriage approached, and I knew that it was related to business. They came to pick up merchandise, and I was about to make some money. I left the kids by the lake to take care of business.

All of a sudden my oldest son was running to get me, because one of the younger boys had fallen into to the lake, and was nowhere to be found. He was also soaking wet, because he jumped in right after him.

I rushed to the lake, and we were looking for my son for a long time, but he was already gone, we could not get to him alive. This incident had a huge impact on all of my lives that followed. I never saw ourselves happy again after that. This has caused a substantial block inside me to find out that I had put business before the safety of my children. It is also very interesting, that I won’t let my daughter, in my current life near water, it still freaks me out.

My son, that had died, is my spouse in this life, and my wife in that life is my daughter now. Everything makes sense now.

I am very grateful for this experience. I work in the beauty industry, and right after the second meditation therapy I immediately realized the difference it had made in my life. I started getting many more clients than before. I am booked 3 to 4 weeks in advance. I have rediscovered myself again, and have a newly found appreciation for my profession.


Love and relationships

I went for the meditation therapy to have a clearer vision of my relationships.

In one of my previous lives, not exactly sure when, I was living as a man in Kamchatka. We had many horses and goats. One day, I noticed that a large eagle landed right in front of the entrance of our underground cave home, and I am not sure how I knew it, but that was a sign for us to move. In other words we needed to keep migrating to another place. Then, in my vision I saw myself hunting for bears, during which I often got hurt.
On a freezing winter day, my daughter had an injury. She was attacked by a bear. She was only 4 or 5. She was bleeding badly, and a man came, a healer to see her. He had feathers in his hair, and he was using smoke, anointed her wounds with something, and was singing loudly, like he was chanting. My girl was healed, but a few years later she had another bear-attack, and that time we could not save her life.

That little girl is my mother in this lifetime, and I have been worried about her my whole life, even though I am her child. But since I went through this therapy, I just let her experience life as it was meant for her, and our relationship has gotten much better. She thinks, that I have changed, and she likes the new me, better.

The other interesting vision I had during meditation was a love-affair. It took place in Guyana. First, I thought, that this was only my own mind’s creation, but then, later I learned, that this was real a country in South America. I saw myself with a girl next to a magnificent and beautiful waterfall. We were talking for a long time, and when a thunderstorm was approaching, we went in the woods for protection. We were deeply in love. Then I saw ourselves a few years later. I was at the harbor, unloading huge boxes and packages, and I couldn’t wait to see my love. At the same time I had a bad feeling, because someone close to me was about to be taken away as a slave. Not sure who that was in that life, but he is my brother in this lifetime, and he really is the subservient kind, he always puts other people’s interests before his own, and works for other people’s goals instead of his.
I finished unloading, and I was rushing home to my love, but she was nowhere to be found. There was blood everywhere, and I found the house turned upside down. I knew, I had a feeling, that she was already dead. Then, and there I vowed that I wanted no other woman in my life. And that was exactly what happened. I lived my life alone and lonely until I died.

A few weeks after the meditation therapy I met a girl, and I immediately recognized in her eyes the woman from that lifetime. At 42, I did not think that I was going to find my partner in life. She was there, all along, close to me, but because of all those memories, and blocks in me I was not able to see and attract her, and I also was afraid to lose her again, so I would just live alone.
I needed to realize that this was only an old habit. I am no longer afraid, and I know that I can experience, and claim this love. I am extremely happy. Thank you.

Bela - 43

There are people that will bring light into our life simply by their existence. We carry them with us in our hearts wherever we go, even if temporarily we get separated from each-other.
We find ourselves when we are with them, and they make us perceive our existence much clearer. The spark of divine love ignites in such relationships that will become an eternal flame.

Wiki G.

I have been healed

I went for a meditation therapy with a special problem. I had had a scar on my neck since birth, even though I never had any kind of accident, or anything like that.
I have been coughing the past 16 years, but doctors could never find the source. Sometimes I had this unexplainable sense of chocking along with a fear of death, which I never understood, especially during spring, when I would also have a pollen-allergy.

During my first therapy session, I went back to one of my previous lives, where I lived as Indian in a village. I was 30, when my village was set on fire, and I also burned to death. I was also 30, when my health problems started in this lifetime, and that was when my son was born, who actually caused my death in that previous life. I began to understand my life, I started feeling much better right the next day.

During the next session, I saw myself in another life where German soldiers attacked us, and I was shot to death exactly where my scar was. Finally in a third lifetime I was a young girl who got hanged, and I have been re-experiencing the feeling of chocking over and over again in my current life. I finally have found the reason for that also.

I am not sure if because of the realization and understanding or not, but my life has changed. The coughing initially got worse, than it subsided completely after about a month. My lungs are clear, I breathe much deeper and with ease. My allergies are also gone.

I used to have a recurring dream in which I kept getting thrown overboard and drown. This has not come back, either.

Thank you, I am so much better now.

Piroska, 46

Us, people, we have been connected to each-other through a very special energy-conduit. 
If I feel something about somebody, that person will get that same feeling, also. We are all, continuously connected. It is also true the other way around. I may think of somebody, because he or she keeps thinking about me. 
That is the reason that you can be sure, that if you are true to yourself, and are certain that you have a soul mate, it is impossible for the other person not to feel the same way. 
But it is also possible, that your ego won’t let you see what your heart already knows. But do not worry, God will guide you to the right place, where you belong, and you will find the ONE soon enough. 
Wiki G.

There are people that we are unable to forget. Those are the people that have changed our lives. People, that taught us to love. People, who made it worth living, and who make us smile after the bitterest day. Those are the people God sent our way to make our Earthly lives wonderful. 

Wiki G. 

You need to accept, that if someone comes into your life it is because you carry some kind of information for each-other. You have business with him. Don’t fight it, just watch! What is the lesson, and who is it for? There are no meetings by coincidence, everything happens for a reason, by a well-designed and precise plan. We only have to recognize the intended lesson.

Wiki G.
Dear Reader,

I would like to encourage you to step onto the path of truth, your own path of truth, which ultimately will lead you to yourself. I know, that this is not an easy journey. You will feel uneasy when you must face a side of you that you do not like, but it is time you finally saw clearly. We all have been blind for a long time, and have not been able to see the truth.
Ask yourself the question whether you want to change your beliefs, or you still want to view the world through the looking glass of others. Are you ready to accept your own feelings? Do you dare open your heart so that you can see with it?
How much your life will change this year depends on your own beliefs.
Do you even dare to believe that there is a better life waiting for you? If you take a very good look at your life, you will see that it matches exactly what you have been believing in. You may not agree with me, but take a moment and quiet your ego, and look deeply into your soul. What kind of beliefs have been controlling and guiding you? Do you believe that there are people you can trust, a well-paying job you are able to take, a love of your life that is waiting for you, or qualities in you that people can love and respect?
You need to be honest with yourself, and must understand, that you can only heal your broken life if you change your beliefs.
Believe, that people are good, and life is full of miracles. Set your feelings free that have been locked inside you, and you will see, that you will begin to feel better immediately.
If you finally allow yourself to feel good, then with the energy of joy you will attract many miracles into your life.
You have created your life the way it is now, and the good news is that you will be creating your future, as well. It is all up to you how 2014 will play out for you.
If you can face your current life, and have the courage to free yourself of the weight of the past, then you will finally be yourself again.
Spread your wings and fly towards a happy life. Open up your heart while you are flying and feel as the energy of love is guiding you.
It is worth getting onto the path that leads inside yourself.
Have a wonderful journey: Marta Zs.
Did you notice, that in recent months, many people have been trying to apply the law of attraction to draw money into their life, only to find out that it is not working for them? They make a professional business plan, they visualize, and try everything in order to get what they want. A few weeks pass, then a few months, but no results.
The laws have changed, and brand new principals are in affect now, different ones than years, or even months before.

The time has come for you to finally take on and follow your non-physical life-purpose. The one that you had chosen, before you started your physical experience here, on Earth. Everybody, who is working in the field of their chosen path, has no financial problems. I do not believe, that the real goal should be attracting money. Remove your blocks that are holding you back, and find your real purpose in life. Start working on yourself. Time is running out.

Financial block-removal meditations have unbelievable results. For the sake of an example, I would like to share with you Istvan’s success story.

“Hi Wiki,

Let me try to sum up what has happened to me since I went to your therapy-sessions.
I was very desperate, and I am so sorry that I was bugging you so much, but now, all those black clouds that caused me to be so distressed, are gone.

I had been a very successful small-business owner for the past 15 years, but the last year and a half has not been so great. It had gotten so bad, that my expenses greatly exceeded my income for about the last 12 months, and I have not been able to pay my bills. That was when I went to see you first.
You told me that I am not following my chosen path, and in order to make my business profitable again, I either need to abandon it completely, and get on my spiritual journey, or start working on it part time, at least. I was furious. You told me, that I should be working in the health food industry, and through that, help and heal people. Right. I smoked, drank on the weekends, and my typical lunch consisted of fast food more often than not. But you told me, that I needed to learn how to live a healthy life. Let me tell you, I got depressed, but deep down I knew that you were right. Nothing happened for about a month, but then, I decided to go for the first meditation therapy.

We looked into my previous lives, or rather you did, because I did not see much. I only saw a bearded priest as he was walking in chains. We removed my pledges, and promises in that life, and about two weeks after, things started to change.
I was only able to put the puzzles pieces together looking back later, because I could not see what was happening.
It started out by me being nauseous and sick one morning. It lasted for three days. I was so sick, that I was unable to smoke, and slept through the whole weekend. This was a big break-through, because I put alcohol and cigarettes down for good. I just couldn’t enjoy them anymore. I have no idea what really happened, I suppose, I really dropped those promises I had made in my previous lives, and my body started to clear up. Just to accelerate the process, I started drinking detoxifying teas. My belly disappeared, and I started running every morning. I begin feeling much better, and in the meantime I met a girl, begin eating organic food because of her, and gave up junk altogether. My energy was coming back. Vivian became a very good friend of mine, and I even learned how to cook. Well, I can make a few easier dishes. She thought that I was a good businessman, and she asked me if I wanted to be her partner in importing organic grocery into the country.
I realized then and there what you probably meant, and I understood what has been happening the past six months, and their reason. It wasn’t solely for my health, but also for money. That is when I went to see you for attracting money. Things started to get into motion, nicely. I can manage both businesses, therefore I did not need to completely leave my old business. My income is increasing every month, and I was finally able to get rid of all my debt.
I want to make more money, but this already is a miracle to me. And it was so true, that I only started making money, when I got on my chosen route. As much as I was resisting, I was guided to the right path. I have since completed an energy healing course. I will be eternally grateful to you, not sure what would have happened, had I not changed.

Steve – 45”
During the meditation I went back to one of my past lives in which I lived as a peasant in the Middle Ages, and I was to follow the Landowner to warfare in France. We were attacking a castle.
Everybody was killed during that attack, therefore the Lord was able to get his hands on all the treasure of the Fortress. He was so grateful for my help in that killing spree, that he made me very wealthy. I was able to create and have my own farm, but because the money had blood attached to it, I found little joy in it. This story has a psychological truth to it, whether we look at it from its historical perspective or others. It helped me change my attitude towards money, and improve my financial situation in my current life.
Before this experience, I had always felt that money was sinful, and unspiritual, but now I am enjoying it, and have accumulated a lot of it.
I have now realized that there is nothing wrong with making a lot of money, if during the process that nobody gets hurt. J.H.